Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Dangers of Drinking Coffee 4 Cups Each Day

green coffee

Dangers of Drinking Coffee 4 Cups Each Day


kamiSome people who have routine drinking coffee in the morning. Routines that no one, even better to revive the spirit and nodded off. Even, coffee also has many benefits, among others, good for heart health, reduce the risk of breast cancer, Parkinson's disease, and depression. But, when taken in the amount is too excessive, so the coffee can increase the risk of death, especially for those aged younger. A new study from the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings found, people who are under 55 years old. who drank four or more cups of coffee / day had a risk of death 50% greater than in those who did not. That is the cause, you should begin to limit the number of cups of coffee drunk daily. Some researchers examined data from Area 43. 000 participants. They implored the participants to answer questionnaires filled lifestyles and family health story on th. 1979 and 1998. Then followed 17 years. and, 2. 512 people from some of the participants died world. Studies show, participants called heavy coffee drinkers skew to die sooner than those who do not. Chairman Liu Junxiu study, researchers from the department of biostatistics and epidemiology at the University of South Carolina, said that there are positive on the braid is too excessive coffee consumption and mortality in a population of men and women aged younger than 55 years old .. For those with an increasingly aged over 55 th., the fabric is not very important at all 2 gender. Some researchers could not find arguments why the grid was not important in their old age. However, Rebecca Solomon, an expert in clinical nutrition from Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York have an opinion, heavy drinkers of coffee a young age usually also do other negative routines until the effect is real in their health. Coffee drinkers also skew smoke and drink alcohol. Beyond that, caffeine in coffee can cause dehydration. If they do not drink enough water, so the effect will be bad, he said. Beyond that, he said, people who drink 28 cups of coffee each week are also inclined to have a sleep routine that is not healthy. Although actually, many studies show that sleep deprivation bad effects, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and other health problems. Cafein including drugs if consumed too excess can have a negative impact, he said. Solomon recommends, coffee consumption reduction need done in a phased manner. When you have the habit of drinking four or more cups, turtles

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